December 19, 2010

December 19th, 2010

Consumed. Again, I have found myself, consumed with the hate and anger that I had finally released. I'm not surprised, but I'm absolutely tired of it. I'm sorry, but saying you've never had a friend care about you, and expect me to not take offense, that's just stupid. And to call me the bitch? Thanks, it's not like I gave you a year of my life, to leech off of me, getting me to treat you like the little sister I never had. I paid for almost everything, I put my arm in front of you when we got to street corners so much it became a reflex, I gave you a place to hid from fighting parental units. Thank you so much, for just slapping me in the face.
But, what gets me the most, is the fact that this probably doesn't bother you at all. You have him, so you don't feel all alone again. No, I mean nothing to you. Our friendship was just one step on the way to the top of the Empire State Building. I bet you don't even think of our inside jokes, our adventures, or the fun things we did. We conquered summer school, explored everywhere one hour from our neighborhood, and spent ages on dead train tracks, just talking & shooting photographs. But, none of that matters to you, does it?
You know what else irritates me? You're a bloody attention whore. Boo Hoo, let's pity you because you're life is so terrible. You've a roof over your head, a mum who loves you, clothes on your back, and food (not that you ever eat it. No, not eating gets you more attention). Get over yourself. Go to Africa, or the Middle East, then complain that your life sucks so much.
Oh, and you're going to be the anti-social bookworm you used to be, if you keep blowing all of the people who call you a friend off, for a disgusting guy who only wants one thing. Not even a word of sympathy for a lost grandmother, before you complain about him? Tisk, tisk. Maybe he'd irritate you less if you sent him another topless photo. Would you like to use my bathroom again?

Sorry. I just really needed to rant. Part of me wants to send this to her.

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