November 3, 2009

Friends Mean A Lot

I am not talking about the twelve people at a lunch table, or the kids in the half of the classroom you sit in. I am talking about the friends you can tell everything too, and who tell you everyone. Those who understand why some friends annoy you, and those who know why they annoy you; but do it anyway, because they know you will  always love them. I have one of those.
Well, the more that I think about it, I may have two. But, the number does not matter. But, the one I am sure of, she is my rock. We talk about everything, make each other laugh. We have hugged the other when they were crying and laughed with them on the good days. If it was not for her, I would not be in the state of mind I am in.
My state of mind is defiantly not the best, but it could be worse.
I guess I am just saying, Hug your best friend.


1 comment:

  1. i need a person like that. but i'm really glad you have one. :)
