October 19, 2009


YES! It is a blog post about something artsy verses depression. Huzzah!
It is October, which will lead into November, when one of the biggest things In my life goes on; NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, and runs from the first of November until Eleven Fifty-Nine at night on the last day of November. You spend the month striving to reach the site goal of fifty thousand words, or one you set yourself (but you only win on the site if you get 50,000 or more.)
I am terribly excited about this, and having my friends do it as well. I will be re-writing last year's NaNoWriMo, changing events, changing characters, and just doing my best to improve the story.
The site is http://www.nanowrimo.org you should join and partake. :)

The Girl Uninspired

1 comment:

  1. good luck! hey, maybe i'll become a wrimo this year and attempt to finish a novel? that would technically be cheating, but i definitely have 50k or more to go... or maybe i'll try to motivate myself to finish typing and editing angels! woot! :D

    (as if...)
