October 16, 2009

Not Every Day Will Be An Adventure

And I really need to get a grip on that fact. It is not that I want every day to be busy and crazy, but, it is almost as though if there is 'nothing' going on, I just shut down. It is not like I mean to, but unless I can find something to look forward to, I lose interest.
It is as though, if I can not find some wild and crazy thing to look forward too, I feel as though my life is terribly uninteresting, and not worth trying to live to the fullest. I am betting that no one has 365 crazy days a year, or if they do they wish they had more down time. But, I think I have to much down time, or I have had so much lonely down time, that any of it at all, seems as though it is way to much.
I do not know if anyone else feels like this, at times. I can not be the only, right? Meh, I need to stop speculating and comparing. It should not be the most important thing for me to feel the same way others do.
Anyway, do you get the 'nothing-to-look-for' blues too?

The Girl Uninspired

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