October 5, 2009

October 5th, 2009

I am going to apologize now. The majority of this blog will be about the same thing Saturday's was- The boy.
I woke up to a rough start, having to wear clothes I did not want to wear, almost missing the bus. And then I had  to work with him in English. We were a group of four, but I ended up getting on his nerves. I did not do it on purpose, but it is much easier for me to talk with someone when we are both angry.
I saw him in the halls a few times the rest of the day, and then after school, I did what I have always been afraid to do. I talked with my friend, whose locker is next to his. And when she left, we had a short conversation.
"Can I talk to you?" I asked him.
"Okay," he said.
"But you have to promise not to tell anyone."
"And do not laugh."
"I like you," I said, and then turned down the hall and went to the art room to work on my project. I only saw his face out of the corner of my eye- but he looked stunned.
I know he does not like me, but it was good to get it off my chest. Now, I have to worry about how badly tomorrow will go.

The Girl Uninspired

1 comment:

  1. oh, sarah. you are so, so brave. i could never do that! the one time in my LIFE that i have willingly told a boy that i liked him, i did it via a note and ran away and hid in homeroom afterward, and to this day i still haven't quite been able to look him in the eye. but here's the thing: even so, i still feel better, knowing that i didn't have to keep that secret bottled up inside me all summer (the really pathetic thing is, i waited until the second-to-last day of school... lol, i be wuss), and it permitted me to move on when i realized that, as expected, he didn't like me back. good luck, girl! i'm rooting for you!
