October 1, 2009

October 1st, 2009

I am still terribly Mood-swing-gy. But, I refuse to believe that it is 'PMS.' It seems like a load of crap to me... except cramps, those I believe in. I am terribly sore and stiff, not that I really have a reason to be so. I am teetering on the brink of blocks: writer's, musician's and artist's. I thought I was full of inspiration and ideas, but they are draining from my mind quicker then smoke from between your fingers. I have no clue what to do.
In other news, I am still terribly fat. Motivation has left me even faster then ideas. I keep spending my time daydreaming, of days free of responsibilities, and wonderful things I want, but know I can never have; like talent, my father to understand me, the boy I like to like me back, and better grades. But, alas, nothing will change, unless I work to change it... and that does not seem very likely.

The Girl Uninspired.

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