October 13, 2009

Sometimes, It is Laugh or You Cry

I make jokes about Depression. It is not that I think being depressed is funny, I just figure that is better to try and find humor in the situation, then dwell in how crappy it seems to be. My mom is not that big on the jokes I make, about being depressed or depression medication.
The way I see it, there is nothing wrong with my making jokes. It is not like I think that it is hilarious, or that I want others to be depressed. I am just trying to see the bright side, well, if there ever will be a bright side. I am tired of feeling down and lonely and depressed all of the time, so why should I make it worse by wallowing in it? That is right, I should not be wallowing. And a joke (about yourself) never hurt anyone else (intentionally) so I will probably keep making joke. I need to keep trying to find the Auror in the field of dark wizards, the Ginger in the crowd of blondes.
But, I do wonder if I take it a bit to far with my mom. I think she may be sensitive to such jokes, and I should try to hold them off, until when she is not around. I do not know. What do you think? Do you make depression, therapy or any other sort of jokes about something you have? And do people get annoyed or angry when you make them? I can not be the only one, right?

The Girl Uninspired.

1 comment:

  1. personally (and this is in no way intended to be a finger-wagging in your direction!), i find it offensive when people joke about depression or self-injury or suicide or rape and other serious business like that. i mean, it's just really hurtful to people trapped in those circumstances, ya know? but it really depends on the situation. like, don't mess with me about cutting, but i'll laugh hysterically right along with ya on an "i'm not AD - ooh, shiny!" type of joke.
