September 10, 2009

Role Play Dependancy

I know many people who like to create like I do, and most of them seem to suggest the same thing to help get my creative juices flowing; RPG'ing or joining and participating in a Role Playing Game. Text based RPG's, like those that my friends and I like to indulge in, are simply forums, where you create a character, and type out that character's thoughts, feelings and actions. There is nothing wrong with RPGs, I find them highly enjoyable. But, sometimes I wonder if I enjoy them to much. RPG'ing is a great way to de-stress and escape for a while, to a different world, and interact with others. Yet, I still feel as though they are not the best things for me to be partaking in.
As you may have already guessed, or would have guessed later if I was not mentioning it now, I have a very addictive personality. I can quickly become obsessive over something, like a book or a website. It is not like I am some rabid fangirl, I know about my obsessions, that they are not real, but it does not make it any easier. When I am not online, I think about posts I would like to make, or replies I should have made. It is as though even when I am offline, my mind is still somewhere else. I have problems focusing and then holding my focus. I lose my motivation when there is something else I would rather be doing.
I only have a few characters on the only RPG I am active on right now( Back To The Basics), and the site is rather slow. But still, I can not help but wonder if this could be the end of me in the long run. In my head, I can see an image of me typing up character biographies instead of history reports, and drawing character sketches instead of working on art projects. I could get really depressed and just start RP'ing and ignoring all of my responsibilities, which could lead to issues with my parents and school and friends.  I do not want to stop RPG'ing. I see that it could potentially be destructive, so I will watch myself. Like everything else, I will do my best to hold back, and keep it from controlling me. I do not think I could take yet another thing in my life, that is hurting me. But, I could use some more patience and restraint.

The Girl Uninspired

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