September 9, 2009

September 9th, 2009

It is my last day of summer, and I could find no reason to get up this morning. I am afraid this is just how the whole school year will go. I will be a junior, so this is my most important year of school. This just means that, I am screwed. Unless I can find a way to force myself up, and make myself sit and do my homework, I will mess up my grades, not get into college, and have to live with my parents for the rest of my life. There is NO way I will let that happen. I want to get the hell out of here. Now.
But I can not. That thought hit me hard this morning. I am stuck here for two more years, until I turn 18. Then, I will probably high-tail it out of here. All of the colleges that I have looked at, for the most part, are out of state. I want out so bad.
I do have this dream of getting my writing published, so I would not have to go to college, but seeing how I do not have the use of my laptop, therefore have not been writing, I have nothing to edit. I have nothing to show a publisher. So, I have to go to... college. Do I have any other choice? Since, it feels like forever, my father has talked about me going to college, being successful. I know he wants me to have more opportunities then he had, but still. His extra pressure is not helping. At all. I just wonder if he, or any parents in general, realize how much pressure they put on their children.
Well, now I get to go shopping for school clothes. Better late then never, right?

The Girl Uninspired.

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