September 8, 2009

September 8th, 2009

Today, I have very mix feelings. On one hand, I went to the orthodontist and was told that I will have my braces off by the end of October. I have had them since the summer before freshman year, so I am very excited about that. On the other hand, school starts for me on Thursday. This will mean a decrease in time for me to just sit and draw all afternoon, and an increase in school work. School work is what always kills me.
Since, what feels like, forever, I have had problems with my peers. Such issues led to a dislike of school, and most things related to it. This led to a hatrid of Homework. I would always rush it, doing it in class or on the bus, but that caught up with me when I started high school. Freshman year brought Global History I, and lots of homework. I found it pointless, and almost ened up failing the class, and having to do hours of homework over Christmas break to avoid failing the Quarter.
Then last year, Sophomore year, I found it even harder to motivate myself to do work out side of the halls of education. This led to me almost failing Global History II and Geometry. While I failed neither, this caused my parents to start taking away privalages, and means I have to take Geometry 11 this year, my junior year. Because of my lowering grades in Math and History, my parents came at me, trying to find out what was wrong. I was tested for deficiencies, and odd levels of vitamins. I even had to pee in a cup to convince my parents that I was not doing drugs. (I have never, and will never do drugs.) This lead me to losing any trust or faith in my parents. And, that was when I first went to a therapist. If it were not for my therapist, we would never have realized that I am clinically depressed, and I would not be (hopefully) on the path to a happier life.

So with school starting, I will be working harder then ever to keep up my motivation. I do not know how many daily posts I will be able to make, due to school and marching band. But, I will have a new post (other then the daily posts) every three days. Have a Good Day.

The Girl Uninspired

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