September 22, 2009

Does Mental instability lead to Physical instability, or Vice Versa?

One word that describes me very well, would be 'Clumsy.' I have always been a very clumsy person; running into walls, tripping up stairs, falling over invisible objects. But, I wonder if Mental Instability, like depression or other mental imbalances, make this worse. I could be paranoid, or maybe looking for a reason why I fall ALL THE TIME, or the worse I feel, the worse I stumble around.
For example, the last time I yelled at my mother, I felt like a terrible person, and I ened up tripping up the stairs on the way to my room, and then ran into the door, because I did not turn the door nob enough before trying to walk through it. And last year in school, I ended up arguing with an old 'friend' and then smashed my face when I opened my locker during passing time.
But then again, I guess I could just cluts-out more when I have raging emotion. I have a tendancy to trip when I am skipping around, due to joyous reasons, and when I am having a hell of a good time in band, I have poked my eye out more then once with my mouth peice.
Now I am not so sure. Any Thoughts?

The Girl Uninspired.

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