September 25, 2009

Different People have Different Symptoms

When talking to the people I know, if you mention depression, they automatically think of people who are suicidal. Yes, people who are depressed may be suicidal, but it is not the only symptom. I will not be telling all of the kids at school that I am depressed, because of this initial thought that depression equals suicide, and vice versa. My close friends know, because they do not jump to conclusions, but other people, not so much.
My symptoms are not that I have thoughts of suicide, or I try to hurt myself. My symptoms are totally different, all centered around motivation and energy, or a lack there of. I can not get up in the morning, because I see no point, nothing to look forward too. I have very little energy to do things, most of the time. I find the things I love; drawing, reading and writing- less enjoyable, and I do them less. I feel alone almost all of the time, even when I am with large groups of people, and friends. And, I have social anxieties, like I am afraid I will get embarassed, and I fear rejection.
I have not met another person, offline, who has admitted that they were depressed- but I know that some of the people I know are in fact depressed, diagnosed or not. Many people are depressed, but show few signs to other people.
I think more people need to learn about depression, so they stop making assumptions, and those who are depressed are more likely to get what they need. Like feelings of importants, support and hope.
Are you depressed? What symptoms do you have? Do you know someone who is depressed?

The Girl Uninspired.

1 comment:

  1. aah! okay, i think i need to add you to my list of twins. sometimes i feel that you speak the thoughts my brain hasn't quite formulated yet!

    people really do jump to conclusions about depression. just because you are depressed doesn't mean you are suicidal, necessarily. and just because depression is prevalent doesn't mean it's not a debilitating disorder! personally, i do struggle with the kind of thoughts that you say you don't have, the kind that i've only ever shared with one person who pretty much abandoned me after that (which is why i never really let my friends see my vulnerable side). however, i know i never ever would commit suicide, but again, people jump to that conclusion a lot. other than that, i share your complete lack of motivation and unpredictable emotional roller coaster.

    you know what bothers me the most about depression stereotypes? it's common opinion that depressed people are sad all the time. that's not true. we can be happy too, it's just that our emotions are all out of whack. but that doesn't make them any less real. they're just a little unmanageable... okay, a lot unmanageable.

    i'll conclude this loooong comment with my usual parting remark: i pray for you, all the time. even though we've never met, because i think you are my mind twin. and that, in the words of adrian monk, is a blessing and a curse. :)
